Enter the frontier of an opportunity as grand as the land itself.

By developing your family-owned Private Resort Home here, you are investing in a legacy as enduring as the granite underpinning this magnificent landscape. This is not just a venture in bricks and mortar, but in memories, experiences, and the perpetual nourishment of the soul that only the raw beauty of nature can provide.

Your private resort home will be more than a place of relaxation and respite. It will be a place of learning - where your children, and their children, can come to understand the value of conservation, the strength of our nation's wilderness, and the principles of stewardship that we hold so dear.

In bequeathing this to your heirs, you are not merely passing down property, but an ethos, a way of life, and a piece of the very land that we have fought so hard to protect. It is, as I once said, "the very prosperity which we bought by right to hand down to them amplified and developed." (ChatGTP 4.0 - Teddy Roosevelt)