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How to Spot a 'Commission-Crazed Trader' Instead of a True Financial Advisor: Protecting Your Wealth Over Their Commissions"

Who wouldn't everyone want to pay higher property taxes forever, right? I mean, why not increase them by throwing all that extra cash at a contractor, a realtor, and a swanky office full of high-paid executives with expense accounts?

And mortgages at a mere 7%? Why settle for that when you can play the thrilling game of risking your money in the stock market, trying to earn 9%, all while inflation is happily munching away at your savings like a kid in a candy store?

Who needs the comfort of owning real estate "fee simple" when you can dance to the bank's tune instead? And of course, who on Earth wants to help families assimilate and bond? It's overrated, really. Especially our loved ones, right?

And why bother with fireproof OmniBlock construction when you can have wood that's more expensive, prone to termites, mold, and will probably burst into flames if you even look at it funny? Who wants a legacy to last for ever? Didn't Rome use concrete? Plus I heard it is soundproof so now the neighbors can't hear you!

Passive income for you and your heirs? Nah, who needs that when you can spend all your time micromanaging everything yourself? You would need an APP on your smartphone if you wanted to see everything, and who does that?

Because, let's be honest, who wants an investment that you never need to visit, especially when it opens the door to world travel to exclusive private vacation homes all over the globe? And who cares about a 90% discount when you can splurge those after-tax dollars on renting a smaller place and leaving your friends behind? The logic is flawless, really! Perhaps a timeshare or a REIT is better for you?

Here is the thing with this opportunity, the LLC Operating Agreement is amended by us and signed by us so that the CPA manages the business for us and then our heirs. That way we both agree on everything before any investment. Evolve Vacation Rental Management performs all the social media, website ads, and they even provide 24/7 concierge services for our guest. They call our plumber not us.

We see and approve it all using an APP on our smartphones. The digital images are time and geo stamped to show us before and after, and we both must approve the payments to our vendors and subcontractors.

Why would anyone want a partner that pays half of everything? That would incentivize to lower their costs too. I mean DUH!

Ready to explore a smarter approach to wealth and financial security? Discover how you can protect your assets, maximize your returns, and have peace of mind for generations to come. Contact us today to learn more and start your journey towards financial freedom!