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Prairie Tales

In our latest blog post, we recount our unforgettable annual road trip on our Harleys, following our best friend's wedding in Salt Lake City. Our destination was Yellowstone and the scenic Beartooth Highway. However, a surprising encounter awaited us on our return trip through the Wyoming prairie – a dog in the middle of nowhere.

When we stopped for fuel five miles later, Martine and Krissy, who were driving the truck and trailer, urged us to rescue the poor creature. The dog was in terrible shape, but she quickly warmed up to Martine. After several weeks of recovery, she gave birth to two puppies, Pearl and Mina. Unfortunately, her herding instincts caused some tension with the neighbor's kids, leading to a threat of legal action.

We posted an ad on Craigslist, hoping to find a working ranch for the dog, and luckily, a kind soul named Kim reached out to us. She connected us with Paula, a retired cop who trains Border Collies. Paula agreed to take the dog, now called Prairie, and ensured she would find a suitable home on a working ranch.

We were overjoyed to receive updates from Kim and Paula, showing Prairie's progress and eventual placement on a ranch in Eastern Washington. Ten years later, Prairie is thriving, living by the adage "A tired dog is a happy dog." We're incredibly grateful to Kim, Paula, and Prairie for this heartwarming experience.