Private Resort Home

Who needs stunning landscapes, camaraderie, and genuine relaxation?

Why choose to wake up to breathtaking views of Mt. Shasta, Mt. Lassen, Burney Mountain, and the majestic Cascades? Clearly, flat land in the middle of nowhere is far superior. Who wants to enjoy the thrill of looking at natural wonders that have existed for centuries when you can have miles and miles of, well, nothing?

And speaking of trees, who wants to be surrounded by oxygen-producing, mood-enhancing, awe-inspiring giants that have stood the test of time? Clearly, it's far wiser to build your dream home in a place with no shade.

Why on earth would anyone want to be near a water source that flows to the ocean, ensuring a lush and vibrant ecosystem? A far more exciting prospect is rationed water in the desert. Because nothing screams "fun" like showering with sand.

Oh, and why on Earth would anyone choose a state that's put a cap on property taxes? Who needs financial stability when you could be blindsided by an arbitrary tax increase because your neighbor decided to upgrade their backyard shed? The suspense is electrifying.

And who wants temperate Mediterranean weather that provides a year-round comfortable experience? It's clearly much better to embrace the alluring charm of only two seasons: winter and heatwave. Who needs moderation, anyway?

Why would you want to build a short-term rental close to a breathtaking natural playground when you could fight traffic for hours to reach an overcrowded theme park where the only thing you're guaranteed is a sweaty mess and a long wait for a roller coaster?

As for fishing, who would ever want to enjoy a serene stream stocked by the largest hatchery in the US? Clearly, the pinnacle of angling excitement is elbowing your way into an overcrowded pond, where you can fish cheek-to-jowl with your fellow city-dwellers.

And let's talk about vacations. Why create lasting memories with your family and friends in the peaceful haven of Rocky Ledge Estates when you could spend your precious moments